EESTech provides tangible and proven methods of mine-site reclamation and remediation through the cost-effective delivery of uniquely engineered mineral processing capabilities and waste management solutions.
EESTech has successfully developed proprietary reclamation and remediation process solutions specific to the management of mine site and process slag waste. This uniquely positions EESTech with a capability to cost effectively recover residual materials of value. This breakthrough capability has been engineered to process over 100 tons of waste per hour, with zero-waste outcomes.
EESTech’s process capabilities neutralize mine site and process slag waste to significantly reduce their environmental impact by transforming what was once a liability into a resource reserve.

While developing a platform of waste management solutions, a need to transform residual post process tailing into products of value was identified as a prerequisite for delivery of zero-waste and environmentally sustainable outcomes. The scope of works and design requirements of this objective led EESTech to develop additional proprietary products and patent pending process capabilities.

Each component supplier guarantees the performance warranties of all equipment as defined by the process flow and scope of works battery limits. Material handling interface equipment is selected and approved by each vendor to link major components of the processing plant into one seamless operation, enabling comprehensive process guarantees to be issued by EPC and project delivery contractors.
Unlike traditional process systems, EESTech does not require energy intensive mining or crushing to produce mineral resources, EESTech uses its energy efficient Reclamation Resource Recovery Process (R3 Process) to recycle slag waste or mineral ore down to a size of less than 400μm (micron). This enables an increased recovery of targeted materials of value from mine site or process slag waste, left by the inefficiencies of traditional mineral processing, to produce a smelt ready concentrates that can either be sold back to the waste owner or smelted in the company’s patent pending Inductosmelt Reduction Furnace (IRF).
In addition, EESTech can also reconstitute waste finds and slime dam waste to produce WRAM-ROX, a smelt ready briquet that does not require the cost of sintering. All post process tailing from both processes are transformed into inert sand products, that are in high demand for application into a number of downstream markets, thereby delivering zero-waste outcomes.

EESTech’s IRF uses a combination of plasma over induction to deliver a highly efficient fully automated primary smelting process that enable the decanting of molten liquid metal and liquid slag on a continuous basis. The ultra-high temperature plasma field of the IRF cracks the silica alumina matrix that encapsulates a high percentage of ores (metal-oxides), this will provide a significant increase in metal unit yield.
All process tailings are transformed into an inert sand products with no free silica, the cause of silicosis. this material is processed and sold as a high-grade foundry and metal casting sand.
Process Economics
EESTech delivers essential environmental remediation complimentary to and concurrent with mining and existing mineral processing operations.

This will mitigate environmental legislative concerns and provide improved local community relationships, enhancing the overall economics of the business, reducing ongoing waste management costs and post mine closure.
The configuration and specification of any remediation and reclamation process applied to a project is engineered from site surveys, sampling tests, and capacity limitations. These findings ascertain the scale of application for each of the technologies applied and provide a front-end economic feasibility assessment.